Animation Scripts

Simple Batcher

Batches any python script onto multiple files to save time

Dynamic Space Switcher

Create space switch attributes between objects on the fly

Clean Skeleton Exporter

Fix messy joint hierarchies on export

Jitter Tool

Easily add non-destructive jitter/noise to any attribute of selected objects


Used for Maya previs animations to simulate debris impacts on floors and other surfaces

Bake To/From Locators Tool

Create aim and directional screens without using animation layers

Rigging Scripts

Simple Rigging Helper

Designed to help tech animators with the rigging process by giving them easy access to common functions

Flood Weights Tool

A simpler way to flood weights while skinning a rig in Maya

Unreal Engine Tricks

Bird Flock Prototype – UE4 Static Mesh Deformation

Particle emitter in UE4 that utilizes deformation data to animate static meshes